We are excited to have you here and we hope that the next several weeks will give you an introduction and an appreciation to the field of surgical critical care. The mastery of critical care is a life long journey. Our goals for you are to be challenged and taught by our expert faculty and to gain a fundamental understanding of both the art and the science of critical care medicine. We also want to expose you to a model of multidisciplinary care. You will have the unique opportunity to work alongside both surgical and anesthesia intensivists, Critical Care Nurse Practitioners, Critical Care Fellows, residents from a variety of specialties, critical care nurses, pharmacists, respiratory therapists, clinical nutritionists, and others to name a few.
SCCS Mission Statement
Improving Critical Care quality and satisfaction while decreasing cost for SICU patients through enhanced staffing, standardizing practice, and order management.
Again, welcome to the SCCS. We look forward to working with you and sincerely hope that you have a wonderful experience and enjoy critical care as much as we do.

Niels D. Martin, MD