
Ours is the busiest obstetric service in the Philadelphia area, delivering over 5,000 babies annually. The residents are involved in the management of all obstetric patients. We utilize a laborist system which means that for any 24-hour shift, there are two attending physicians on staff whose only responsibility is to oversee the labor and delivery floor. The core laborist group of 5 obstetricians become very familiar with our residents and are integral part of education and evaluation.

Residents get dedicated exposure to inpatient and outpatient MFM during the PGY-2, but all levels of residents are exposed to the antepartum care of high-risk patients in our weekly High-Risk Clinic at the Ludmir Center. Also, residents covering inpatient obstetrics become very familiar with the intrapartum care of these same patients. Our graduates report back to us that there is no obstetric situation they can’t handle!


Residents gain outpatient experience through subspecialty rotations and working at the Ludmir Center for Women’s Health, the resident-run practice. One-fifth of our patients receive their care at the Ludmir Center, where there are about 15,000 outpatient visits per year. The volume of patients at the resident practice provides residents with the unique experience of operating a high volume clinic and being the primary physician for patients with a wide variety of obstetric and gynecologic issues. This includes a separate clinic session for colposcopy and in-office treatment with LEEPs. We also promote and provide care to the large Latina population in the area through Latina Community Health Services.


Gynecology services at Pennsylvania Hospital perform over 2,300 procedures annually and is ranked 14th in the nation for Gyn by US News. We offer all subspecialty services - Gyn/Onc, Family Planning, REI, and urogynecology. The residents participate in all cases and are either the surgeon or first assistant for the vast majority of cases. In addition, Pennsylvania Hospital is a leader in minimally invasive and robotic gynecologic surgery. Penn's gynecologic oncology and urogynecology fellows operate with the attending on a portion of the cases.

Rounds and Conferences

Conferences are given by faculty and senior residents and cover the breadth of obstetric and gynecologic topics during resident protected time: Wednesday morning 7:30-11:30 Lectures follow a rotating 24-month curriculum to ensure core topic coverage. Labor and Delivery board sign-out is attended by faculty who lead discussions about management and other pertinent issues. On Thursday mornings there is a separate educational hour for the Gyn service where a surgical cases and technique are discussed.

  • Departmental Grand Rounds – Wednesday mornings weekly
  • Perinatal-Neonatal conference – Mondays weekly
  • Gynecologic Oncology Pathology conference – Wednesday afternoons weekly
  • OB/GYN Quality Forum –bi Monthly
  • Journal Club – Monthly
  • Chief Case Presentations- bi monthly
  • MFM Case presentation –Monthly
  • Joint OB/GYN Radiology conference 4x/year
  • Pre-op conference 2x/ month
  • Narrative medicine- Monthly for each class year

Ob/Gyn Simulation Lab

Penn Medicine has developed a state of the art simulation center, where Ob/Gyn residents are able to practice obstetric emergencies, laparoscopic skills, and patient communication skills. There are 5 OB SIMs and 5 GYN SIMs over a 24-month period. Additionally, there is an on-site FLS SIM room at Pennsylvania Hospital to allow FLS practice at any time.

Scholarly Activity

With the guidance and support of our Resident Research Directors, each resident will investigate and explores a unique idea or question. Original research is encouraged as the highest form of scholarly activity. Residents who are considering fellowship may find that contribution to original research is an important part of a fellowship application. Other topics, such as a quality improvement or medical ethics project, may also be appropriate so long as they explore a unique idea or question. We have faculty in each of the subspecialties for whom research is a particular interest, and who are eager to mentor resident projects.

Society Memberships

Membership in ACOG is sponsored by the department at no cost to the resident.

The Department of Ob/Gyn sponsors memberships in the Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. This group holds monthly dinner lectures. Some residents attend these events for the social exposure to our larger professional community, to network, or to enjoy an interesting lecture. Attendance is optional. /p>

Society for Academic Specialists in General Obstetrics and Gynecology

Vacation and Conference Time

Residents in each year have four weeks of vacation, one of which is scheduled around the winter holidays. Any resident is eligible to attend a national meeting at which they have a first-author, peer-reviewed, original research paper accepted for platform or poster presentation. In addition, PGY-4 residents may attend one educational meeting, regardless of whether they have a presentation or not.

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