All medical students at the Perelman School of Medicine spend 6 weeks on the Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation. Enrollment is exclusively offered to Penn medical students. The rotation encompasses a range of clinical experiences including antepartum care, labor and delivery, benign and malignant gynecologic surgery, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, preventative care, management of pelvic floor dysfunction, and family planning.

Medical students are assigned to one of two hospitals for their clinical clerkship: the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania or Pennsylvania Hospital. In general, students spend equivalent time on labor & delivery, the gynecological services, and outpatient clinics.

Each rotation includes time at the Penn Clinical Simulation Center at Rittenhouse. Simulation sessions include skills such as the female breast and pelvic exam, Foley catheter insertion, suturing and knot-tying, intrauterine device insertion, vaginal delivery, as well as surgical scrubbing, gowning, and gloving. All students return to the Perelman School of Medicine for weekly didactic sessions.

Holly W. Cummings, MD, MPH

Holly W. Cummings, MD, MPH

Clerkship Director

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headshot of Pamela J. Levin, MD

Pamela J. Levin, MD

Clerkship Director
Pennsylvania Hospital

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