Residents after a bike race

In 2016 resident leaders, supported by faculty mentors, established the Resident Wellness Committee. This committee secured funding with a charter and three-year timeline to build a robust program that includes activities and resources to promote wellness in professional, physical, psychological, and social domains.

Residents participating in yogaResident playing cello

The Resident Wellness Program includes:

  • Narrative Professionalism sessions
  • Classroom curriculum on Professionalism, Wellness, and Leadership
  • Chief Leadership Retreat
  • Protected wellness time
  • Group fitness/ resiliency training
  • Resident Mentorship Program, Class Mentor dinners
  • Annual Faculty/ House staff Kickball Game
  • Halloween Costume Karaoke
  • Wellness Grants

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Check out the HUP Ob/Gyn resident Instagram to see the various ways residents find wellness, both in the professional space and outside of work!.

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